About: Generic sensor integration

Last modified: Tuesday November 15, 2022.

By purchasing sensor integration licenses for your Alta Aware® video management system, you gain the ability to integrate with various sensors located within your buildings and sites.

By linking your sensors, you gain improved insights into the activities and environmental conditions on site, all displayed in the Aware Cloud user interface alongside your video information, site maps, and, if integrated, your access control points.

Once you have purchased a suitable sensor integration license, you add your chosen sensors to your Aware deployment, link the cameras in the area of the sensors so that you have visibility of the zone around the sensor, and update your Map view to reflect the location of each sensor.

Placing representations of each sensor on the Aware Cloud Map view enables your operators to not only see the location of each sensor, but to also view the status and readings from that sensor.

Generic sensors

Sensors from different manufacturers operate in different ways and measure different parameters.

Generic sensors allow the flexibility to integrate with multiple sensors. These support multiple channels all being sent from one unit, for example, multiple probes reporting on a single parameter from different locations. You might, for example, have a temperature probe in every room in your building, but they are all connected to a single device that reports the data from each probe.

See: About: Developing a sensor integration and How to: Add generic sensors to Alta Aware.